5 minute life changers: simplifying the plastics!

I have helped friends move house, and I have helped friends de-clutter their kitchens. One thing I can say for sure is that most people own around 2 big packing boxes full of plastic containers. And these take up 2 whole cupboards in a kitchen. It is extremely hard to find a container and lid… Continue reading 5 minute life changers: simplifying the plastics!

5 minute life changers: How to be the BOSS of your phone.

Here are some scenarios you may know. You’re trying to get the kids out the door in the morning. You’re running late and you feel a bit sweaty. Then your phone starts buzzing. Someone is messaging you and it couldn’t be a worse moment. Your pulse rate goes right up. Your best friend just poured… Continue reading 5 minute life changers: How to be the BOSS of your phone.

5 minute life changers: That ONE perfect drawer.

Keeping one drawer perfect, is a sanity saver. When the kids have just drawn on the walls and are now hanging off the lightshade and the dog just puked. That is when you can look into your perfect drawer, for the 15th time and take 4 deep breathes. B r e a t h e… Continue reading 5 minute life changers: That ONE perfect drawer.